With God, all things are possible
My printer is now a heaping pile of junk. YES.  Although it is time to get another, the budget says otherwise.  So, to be creative, and to provide fun educational worksheets for both my preschool and kindergarten children, I decided to put all the worksheets in sheet protectors and place them in a notebook.  Yes, a notebook.  Sheet protectors are far less expensive than buying ink, paper and of course a new printer, and you can get dry erase markers (4 of them) for $1.00 at the Dollar Tree.  The children enjoy using the dry erase markers in the workbooks that are full of preschool and kindergarten reading, math, and writing worksheets. PLUS, I can use the worksheets over and over again with other children. 
I wish I had thought of this sooner, and I am almost certain I'm not the only person that has done this.  As a matter of fact, while at the Dollar Tree I picked up two dry erase educational workbooks for preschool and kindergarten aged children.  If you have ideas to share for saving money, and making learning EASIER... PLEASE... I'm begging you to share!  :D 

God bless,
The Constant Cooker

Welllll ... he he, today was much better!  I cannot believe all we were able to accomplish.  We worked on Language Arts (Nouns), Phonics, Reading, Social Studies/Geography and many other things.  At least we are headed in the right direction.
LESSON, for me, be better prepared with materials for the kindergarten/preschool children.  We did our mini books, math worksheets, practiced writing our name, and did some other fun things.  The day goes by so quickly... so a timer is definitely required for the lessons. 
1.  Plan better
2.  Prepare materials
3.  Set a time limit on each subject
4.  Use "lunch prep" time for reading, writing, and other self studies... or just to study.

I've learned over time; you jump out of bed in the mornings in run mode and you don't stop until you hit the sheets at night!  That's how you get it all done! 

God bless,
Constantly Cooking
Today was officially the first day of our homeschool!  WOW!  I was super excited and all my plans went out the door as soon as I began.  No matter what you plan for, when a 4 and 5 year old are involved there is NO telling what direction you'll take!  LOUD... wow!  Thankfully my eleven year old daughter Ree was able to help out, but the noise really interfered with the fourth grader's reading.  I'm not worried... today was just an introduction and we will eventually figure out a rhythm... and THEN we'll beat to our own drum!  

God bless!  I've got some week old kittens to bottle feed, and laundry to stash... toilets to clean, assignments and lessons to prepare... whew, woman's work.  I only wished I got paid what I was worth!  :D  he he!
Our homeschooling begins on August 20th.  Time to organize the books, set up a plan... and be ready for those daily challenges.  I'm homeschooling, this year 4th, 6th, prek and kindergarten.  Sounds intriguing... but I think I can do this.  A new little boy is going to join my family in our learning adventures.  I'm super excited to welcome him... I'll call him "B" for now.  I am going to view myself as the 'teacher' because I no longer want to be considered just a  "daycare lady"
or baby sitter.
Maybe this new change in title will help me focus on the 'task' at hand.  We shall certainly see.  My homeschooling goal is to teach those things which can be taught as a group to all the children; then separating them and teaching their individual 'grade' studies one on one, and organizing my day so I can actually do this!  Well... that will be the challenge.  Our fourth grade focus will be more on reading and comprehension.  I'm teaching some left handed kids... so I'm going to approach this in a 'Right brained' learning style.  WOW... Prayers... I know I can do this!
My other goal is to post homeschooling events regularly in my blog and on other things I consider of value, as well as start my 'story' series.  That's the prize, as well as something I'm super excited about.  I hope it causes you to WANT to follow along! 
I'm not fretting yet.  I know that all things are possible thru God who strengthens me.  I'm praying you guys can keep up with how I word things... I get excited and in a hurry...  and find myself rushing through... as I work thru constant interruptions. 

See you all beginning August 20th!  God Bless!

This is my NEW blog site!  I will be sharing daily and/or weekly experiences and challenges we, as a homeschooling family, and Constant cooker endure.  AGAIN, I must WARN you, my wording isn't always clear, so follow along crazily as I put forth an effort to make things clear and as normal as possible!  Thanks for visiting!  All comments are welcome.  NO FOWL language please, unless we're discussing raising or preparing cook pot chickens, and/or cooking a wild game item such as Quail, or Duck.  Foul or obscene (some even call it derogatory) language is also discouraged.  Although, I'm able to look past certain individual's need to express themselves in that way, some of my other followers may not be as open minded.  We are all adults, well, most of us.  And, I'm sure we can (myself included) act like adults, by having positive, creative, encouraging and inspiring discussions.  YOU don't have to agree, and it doesn't matter if you don't, since you'll probably give me your opinion anyways, PLEASE do it in a polite, and friendly manner!  HEY... It's all good!